our suppliers

Breton suppliers and producers

above all local!

We have selected the best producers and suppliers from Quimper and around Quimper.

Minoterie Le Stunff, 56310 Bubry

Flours. The Minoterie Le Stunff specializes in buckwheat flour (buckwheat flour) and produces two kinds of buckwheat. Standard buckwheat flour, refined (light) and rustic buckwheat flour (dark).

Les macarons de Philomène, Quimper

Ice cream, almond cream, jam

Askell, Quimper

Smoked sausages, Mullein sausage, smoked breast, Tomme de Rhuys, emmental, butter, milk, Lait Ribot and coarse milk

Cidre Lebrun, Bresigon, 29720 Plovan


Kerné, 29710 Pouldreuzic


Manoir du Kinkiz, Quimper


Cidrerie du pays Melenig, 29370 Elliant bio


Menez Brug, Fouesnant


Traiteur Ravalec, Quimper

Andouille de Guéméné, ham

Jacq Traiteur, Quimper

Homemade poultry sausage

So Breizh, Hennebont bio

Cheeses et lait ribot

Cafés Coïc, Quimper

Coffees, teas and infusions

Cozigou, Quimper

Drinks, soft drinks, waters, beers...

à la carte

Do you lack inspiration? Here is a small selection of our pancakes and pancakes most appreciated by our customers. You can also choose the ingredients of your choice to compose your savory or sweet crepes.

sarrasin crepes

La BZH Speciality
13,00 €

Scallops, mushrooms, bacon bits, salad

Andouille de Guéméné
7,60 €

Egg, andouille from Guéméné, cheese

La Keuz Breiz Speciality
11,00 €

3 organic and Breton cheeses of the moment, salad, vinaigrette

Complète classic
7,30 €

Egg, ham, cheese

La Totale speciality
9,50 €

Egg, ham, cheese, cooked tomato, creamed mushrooms

La Curry
13,80 €

Scallops, crème fraîche, Breton curry, salad with vinaigrette.


froment crepes

Caramel au beurre salé
4,90 €

Salted butter caramel - Frugy Recipe - Homemade

Cidrée spécialité
7,50 €

Apple, almonds, homemade cider caramel

Beurre sucre classic
3,50 €
4,90 €

Chocolate - Frugy Recipe - Homemade

Galette de pommes à l’ancienne speciality
6,00 €

Old-fashioned apple galette

Amandes, chocolat ou noisettes
6,20 €

Almonds, chocolate or hazelnuts Chocolate - Frugy Recipe - Homemade

crêperie du frugy
To book a table

9, rue Sainte-Thérèse,
29000 Quimper
M: reservation@creperiedufrugy.com
T: 02 98 90 32 49
